18th May 2016. International Day of Museums.
I'm studing the Graphic Arts Master Degree and the students group did a lot of different activities out of class. One of them was the fleeting (one day) exposure "IDEALES" at MuVim in Valencia.
I'm studing the Graphic Arts Master Degree and the students group did a lot of different activities out of class. One of them was the fleeting (one day) exposure "IDEALES" at MuVim in Valencia.
This exposure was based on EUTOPIA tipography and the plasticity of the materials.
Our work was mix black and white photographies with colorful textures made using different elements of Eutopia Font.
I did the textures and my partners thought the colours and contributed with the urban and wonderful black and white photographies, thinking the best way to take advantage of them using my textures.
This composition of the urban pics with the plots is what gives name to our project: "Trama Urbana" or, in english, "Urban Fabric".